• Contact

    • Intercom
      • You can directly contact me via lower right circle button!
        • Definitely I'm looking forward to chatting with you :)
        • But like other methods, it may not always be the most responsive.
        • If you need urgent assistance, this is the best option.
    • E-mail
      • contact@minki.pk
        • Since it is an asynchronous way, I really love contacting via e-mail.
        • The expression 'love' does not mean I prefer e-mail rather than other ways. Feel free to contact me by any method you want.
    • Call & Whatsapp
      • +82)10-9905-2570
        • You can call me anytime(GMT +09 09:00~22:00), but keep in mind that I typically don't respond if it is an unknown number. Thus, before the phone call, please send a simple text message about it!
    • Telegram
      • @browneyedapps